Networking is very popular at the moment, so what do you need to do to become successful at networking? Now this might sound strange, but you need to network! It is not just about making a contact with a customer or client, but to continue to build trust and a relationship with them. You need to be interested in helping your customer or client, which of course in the long run makes it a profitable business situation for yourself. It is a known fact that people will purchase from people they like and trust.
Before networking became so popular you would meet customers by going to meetings or functions, then if the opportunity arose perhaps you would give them your business card. You would then need to wait to see if you received any response. Chances are you would never hear from those people again.
Networking is so much more; it is more sociable, that is why it is called social networking. The internet reaches almost everywhere in the world, giving you the opportunity to reach millions of people. Which in turn gives you the opportunity to network with the same amount of people. I am sure you could name many social networking sites.
An experienced networker keeps in touch with their customers constantly by e-mail newsletters or website blogs, thus keeping the communication door open. This is definitely good for business. Building a business can take time, you first need to build a list of customers or clients. Networking can play a very important part in helping you achieve those goals. There are millions of people surfing the internet every day.
The opportunity to create a customer base by networking is endless. Just imagine if you had to build a business without the internet, this could take a lot of time to achieve. First you would need to write an advertisement to describe your product, then you would need to advertise your product in newspapers, magazines even shop windows. Just imagine how long that could take.
With the age of the internet we do not have to rely on hand written letters, then having to go to take a trip to the post office in order to post them. We can send e-mails at regular intervals with just the touch of a few keys, there are also companies who will send out your e-mails and updates for you at regular intervals chosen by yourself, progress for all.
So if you have an internet connection and a computer and already have or would like to have your own business, or even wish to create a social networking site, networking could be for you. Networking is capable of reaching the far corners of the earth.
Making the world your Oyster.
Tricia is a home based marketer with a passion for helping other people earn from home. For Tricia's FREE video course visit: |
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