Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Improve Your Search Engine Positioning and Multiply Your Profits

Thanks to the Internet, information is now literally at your fingertips; within just a few clicks, you can find out just about anything and everything, from who won in the first Super Bowl to the latest songs released by your favorite musical artists. Interestingly enough, are completely unaware of how the system works. But for online marketers, it's a different story, as knowing how search engine positioning works is the bread and butter of their job.

Ranking is performed by search engines by following a set of algorithms to arrange the web pages according to a predetermined idea of relevance. Factors, such as the number of times a keyword is used in the article and how many quality links lead to it, are taken into consideration by these search engines. Google is said to use over 120 different factors to create their rankings.
Being on top of the search engine results is the dream of every one with a website as most of those who search only check the first few results that the search engines give them. For that reason, the higher your search engine positioning, the better your chances are of earning revenues from your websites.

Tips on how to improve search engine positioning
1. Use white hat techniques.
White hat techniques are the SEO strategies that are above-board and approved of by the search engines themselves. They don't attempt to trick the Search engines to rank the web pages higher with underhand techniques- often called grey or black hat strategies. While there are some black hat techniques that can indeed boost your search engine positioning in a short space of time, this success is almost always short-lived. If a search engine detects websites that use these 'gaming' techniques, they almost always penalize them. One of the biggest penalties being a complete ban from appearing in any of the search engine results.
This, of course, is bad news for online marketers, as it will lessen their chances of making money. Don't use black hat techniques. While white hat techniques bring the people in more slowly, they are long-lasting. By being white hat you are also likely to get higher rankings over the long-term.

2. Consider using long tail keywords.
These are keyword phrases that are longer than regular keywords, written so that these will address the very specific needs of their potential clients. For example, if a person is looking for a shirt, he probably won't type 'shirt', but instead will be more specific, such as long-sleeved red shirt. The more specific he is, the more likely he is to be a real potential buyer so it can be very beneficial to target such long phrases even though they may appear to only command small search volumes.
Ten potential buyers is much better to attract to your site that 1000 vague researchers who haven't really decided what they are looking for yet. and a lot easier to sell something to.
Search engines rank results based on how closely the keywords match what the person is looking for. The closer your keywords are to what the client's type, the more likely they will visit your website.

3. Give attention to your meta-tags.
If you don't know anything about HTML, consider learning even just the basics of the language so that you will be able to use meta-tags to improve your search engine positioning. Titles in particular can affect your page ranking, so make sure you do the necessary coding to increase your chances of getting better page ranks.

4. Do get SEO back-links.
Don't just focus on on-page SEO. Off-site SEO is just as important, especially when it comes to getting inbound links. As already mentioned, one of the factors used to determine positioning is to check the number of links that are directed to your page. The more links you have, the more likely your position will improve. To get these links, you will need to tap into your networking skills and get in touch with website owners from the same niche. If they like what your website contains, chances are, they will link back to your site.

5. Do SEO on all of your websites pages.
Some people think that SEO can be done only on one page of their site. Sure, that can be done, but you will end up wasting all of your work on your other pages, as search engine spiders will only be able to find that page that was optimized. Do SEO on all of your websites' pages to improve your chances of getting good search engine positioning. While this can be tedious, all of your pages will have a good chance of appearing on search engine results, which potentially means more sales.

Getting good positioning, while difficult, is not an impossible task to do, as can be seen in the websites that have been able to get to the top. By using these tips, you too can also increase your chances of improving your page ranking, allowing you better opportunities to make those sales and get advertisements, all improving your revenue.

If you would like to know more on this subject then click on HOW TO SETUP A BUSINESS ONLINE below
Paul D Hawkins is a highly successful freelance writer and the author of How to setup a business online

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